Monday, August 29, 2005

Are bloggers journalists?

YOU know what a blogger is by now, don’t you? This odd-sounding term – short for Web logger – refers to someone who publishes a diary on a website. more story

Now blog is very famous, all of us can make a blog by self. So, many bloggers journalists appear. There are individuals, there dare to write a news that critic our government. Blogs is a good ways that we can write anything that we like, nobody will prevent u.

Should we have known?

As many as five million lives ruined. More than 150,000 dead, from anonymous fishermen to a grandson of the King of Thailand. Along the shores of the Indian Ocean, bodies are stacked in makeshift mortuaries. Mothers and fathers wail over dead children. Homes, businesses and entire towns have been reduced to debris. Whole tribal cultures have been wiped out. more story

That is a bad memories of our lives, many people death in tsunami. Is this suffering is want to warning us that earth will be destroy ?

Protecting kids from mobile Internet nasties

IN THESE pages today, you’ll be reading about the kind of nasty things that infest the Internet and how they may damage young people. more story

Mobile phone more important in our life now. Now every social stratum people have a mobile phone even the kids. Actually kids use mobile can harm their health, the radiation of phone can harm their brain's growth. Not it at all, kids use mobile make their have vanity. So, i hope their parents will prevent their kids use the mobile phone.

Thursday, August 25, 2005

Opinion:Stop the China dolls from coming

AFTER reading your report, “Boy worried dad will fall under China dolls’ spell” (The Star, Aug 24), I felt sorry for Worried Boy as my father was also lured by a China doll. more story

Many china dolls come to our country to earn money, although there are break the law, but there want to earn more money to their poor famalies. We cannot blame them, because if not have customers go to find them, there will not come to our country earn money. Customers also wrong. When we see the China dolls, we cant despise them, there earn money for their famalies.

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Features: Mooncakes with an edge

Savouring mooncakes with tea, EU HOOI KHAW and her two foodie friends find out what’s best among those on offer at the Shang Palace in Kuala Lumpur. more story

The moon is going to be at its brightest on the 15th day of the Eighth Moon in the Chinese lunar calendar. In that day, is chinese mooncake festival. Mooncake is a traditional and culture of us, we must celebrate it. Now, we have many type of mooncake, such as the classic lotus paste, white lotus, red bean and mixed nuts or Ng Yan, and the ping pei (snow skin) varieties of bird’s nest, green tea, durian and coffee. I hope chinese will preserve the fine traditions.

Straight news:Primates get a hand up

SINCE Aug 18, orang utans have become a common sight in Kuala Lumpur after pictures of the primate and its habitat were plastered on the outside of a Putra LRT train. more story


“New Home, New Hope, Save the Orang-Utans, Support WWF” , this slogan remind us that we must save the Orang-Utans, if not, Orang-Utans will become extinct. Over the past 100 years, the primate's population has suffered a 91% decline leaving only 15,000 orang-utans left in Malaysia, with the majority found in rehabilitation centres because the wild could no longer accommodate them. So, we must save Orang-Utans, we also want to save our earth, so that the animals have a good places to live.

Monday, August 08, 2005

‘Improve conditions of Lake Chini’

More than 400 Orang Asli who live around Lake Chini near Pekan want the Government to take immediate action to improve the quality of water in the lake which they say has deteriorated in recent years. full story

my opinion:
Government must take action to improve the quality of water Lake Chini, because most of the Orang Asli in this village depended on the lake for their livelihood. I hope government can do that for Orang Asli, because they are citizen of this country also.

Dry weather worsening haze

The haze is here to stay, at least for a while longer, due to dry weather made worse by monsoon winds blowing dust and smoke from Sumatra. full story...

my opinion:
Haze will make people feel not comfortable, when we want go out, we better wear mouth mask. I hope can raining soon, that will be help to clean the air. This pheonomena make us realize we must protect our earth, if not that will also hurt ourself.

British police charge three over London bomb attempts

LONDON: Three more people have been remanded in custody after being charged under terrorism laws in connection with the attempts to bomb London's transport system on July 21, British police said on Saturday ... (full story)

my opinion:
This three terrorist are devil, there kill many innocent person. There are extreme left elements, there not care other person. I hope there will declare heavy to compensate the dead.

Thursday, August 04, 2005

Lilo and stitch 2

REMEMBER Stitch, the lovable alien with a destructive side on the hit Disney animated movie Lilo & Stitch (2002)?

wanna know more ? click here!