Monday, October 24, 2005

The differences in features, opinions and straight news.

The difference of three type’s news article:

Straight news
This type’s news article’ content always have 5W and 1H, 5W and 1H include What, When, Where, Why, Who and How. The straight news article’s structure likes an inverse pyramid. First, we must write broad range of the events, and then we will be focus to the details. The events like an accident will write to straight news article.

Features’ structures include introduction, nut graph, body and conclusion. In intro, we can write some anecdote, little story to introduce the theme. In nut graph, we just simply explain and write some main point for the theme. Body is details of the theme, we can deeply explain the theme. Normally, we suggest introduction can write about 3 paragraph, nut graph can write 1 paragraph, body is see the writer whether want to write how many paragraph, and conclusion can wrote 1 paragraph.

Opinion is writing our idea about some events. For example, government want to pursue a New Economic Policy, be a citizen, we can write some opinion for this policy whether that this policy is good or bad. If bad, we can write our opinion, and give some examples to prove that our opinion is right. In opinion, we can put some extract relations to our topic.

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

What i learned from Zan Azlee's lecture.

I remembered that I lated for the lecture. Zan Azlee is humour person, I learned a lot in his class. He share many experience for us.

Zan Azlee give us see three Malaysia product's movie. I'm glad that this three movie is Malaysia product's because it is a good movie. Although this is not a high-level movie, but the movie was attract me, like the 'Flower'.

Malaysia still have many people want to do movies, they not afraid although they will be difficult to product a movie in Malaysia. Maybe they will not earn so much money, even will lose money to product a movie, but they will perserve it.

In this class, I learned that we must perserve our dreams. We must do the things that we like.

Friday, October 14, 2005

New Era College (feature)

New Era College (Feature)

Term paper 2
Name: Lim wei cherng
ID: 0520038
Class: Media Studied Per-U

Course: English Writing
Lecturer: Onn Yeoh

New Era College Malaysia was developed of Malaysia Chinese people by those want to build up a tertiary institution for Chinese society. Its realization today is the result of commitment by those I the community who care about Chinese society’s progress through education, culture and human resource development.

In 1974, the local Chinese Associations in Kajang donated the 8.5acre piece of land to Dong Jiao Zong (The Chinese School Committees and School Teachers Associations) for use as a tertiary-level education institution.

In August 1994, Dong Jiao Zong planning for the college started when a formal application for a college license was made. After waiting three years, the college was eventually approved by the Malaysian Education Ministry on 28 May 1997. The first intake of students at New Era started their course on 1 March 1998.

New Era College is different from other college, because New Era College is founded by the community, for the community, New Era College also is a non-profit, non-governmental and non-partisan establishment, New Era College also committed to multi-cultural, holistic and socially responsible education. Not it at all, new Era College also upholding academic freedom and students’ autonomy; promoting intellectual and artistic development; encouraging scientific and technological advancement.

New Era College have 7 major courses offered, there are Associate Degree in Chinese Language and Literature, Associate Degree in Business Studies, Associate Degree in Information technology, Associate Degree in Art and Design, Associate Degree in Drama and Visuals, Associate Degree in Media Studies and Associate Degree in Guidance and Counseling Psychology. New Era also have other courses like Diploma in Journalism and Writing, Diploma in Education, Certificate in Humanities and Social Sciences and Certificate in Business Studies and IT.

New Era College has a lot of good facilities for students. First, I would like to introduce the library, the newly renovated 30000sqft library offer you a collection of 130000 books and more than 200 titles of serial publications. These valuable resources are accessible in newspaper corner, magazine area, reference section, audio visual room and reading section. The library is open to all students and staff of the college as well as to the public.

New Era computer centre has six computer labs with about 250 computers in all. All computers are equipped with Pentium 4 and networks links. There is a special lab for students to carry out research on LINUX Operating System so that the Open Source Operating System can be sourced in the College. The Mac Studio is designed for Art and design students with 30 Apple Mackintosh computers (19 G3i-Mac and 11G4 e-Mac).Every lab is equipped with LCD projector, headphones, scanners and other computer hardware to enable effective and efficient delivery of course materials. All computers in the college are networks accessible and are linked with Leased Line.

College has 13-floor hostel building houses the canteen, multi-purpose community hall, students union office, students societies, and others. Students’ accommodations occupy the third to ninth floors. Each floor is equipped with a drinking fountain and lounge with satellite TV access. Each bedroom is furnished with washroom and bathroom, balcony, beds, mattresses, study desks, desk lights, chairs, ceiling fan and internet access (students provide their own PC and net work card) and 24-hour security system.

Since establishment in 1998, New Era College has established academic links with more than 80 universities and other tertiary-level institutions in Eastern and Western countries. The college has been able to help its graduates continue their studies overseas through twinning programs or credits transfer with partner universities. Currently, New Era College is working closely with New Era “2+1” or “2+2” twinning program partner institutions to establish “3+0” degree programs and masters degree programs.

New Era College very suitable to people who are no much money to study in other college. This campus environment is intended to nurture students who are caring, critical, creative, and community centred.

Thursday, September 22, 2005

What i learn about magazine publishing

In 16th of september, teacher invite his colleague teach our class about magazine publishing. In my mind, magazine publishing same like newspaper publishing, they must many people to do. Some is editor, some is producting, advertising, printing and marketing.

The guest lecturer call Mr.Bernard. He come from mobile magazine call mobile world. He incharge marketing departmant and some writing. He told that they just have about 5 colleague only. He said he got many free mobile that the seller give him to tried.

When we want to start to publish a new magazine, we must have a concept that what kind of magazine that we want to do. After that, we must have a planning for our magazine, then we must do a lot of assignment and marketing, we want to find a company that can advertise their product in our magazine. Finally, our magazine can be publish.

Magazine can clasify to 3: first is Editorial, second is Production, the last is Marketing. Editorial is incharge writing activities, writer must collect many information to write a latest technology about mobile. When they done their assignment, they will send to editor. Editor will check their spelling, and read their assignment. After that, they must designing the pages, when they finish designing, they also will send back to editor for checking. they will do a lot and choose the best and proofing, when finsh all the things, they will copy to a CD and send to company to printing their magazine.

Mr.Bernard really teach a lots to us about magazine publishing. he said publish magazine is very difficult to earn money in Malaysia. When 10 new magazines publish, after 1 year will just have 5 only, after 2 years will just have 3 magazine can continue to publishing their magazine.

Thursday, September 15, 2005

smoking (opinion)

Term Paper 1
Name: Lim wei cherng
Student ID: 0520038
Class: Media Studied Per-U
Course: English Writing
Lecturer: Onn Yeoh


Smoking is one of the worst things to smokers and their side people because the second hand smokes. Smoking can harm their bodies, especially their lung, like pulmonary disease and lung cancer. Every time you inhale smoke from a cigarette, small amounts of these chemicals get into your blood through your lungs. They travel to all the parts of your body and cause harm.
All people know that smoking can harm our body. But many people especially teenagers every day smoking. Why? There's more than just one simple answer. Some teenagers may start smoking just because they're curious. Others may like the idea of doing something dangerous - something grown-ups don't want them to do. Still others might have grown up around lots of people who smoke and they might think it's the way to act like an adult. Although they know smoking can cause cancer but sometimes teenagers can't really think that far into the future to worry about an illness they might not get for 20 years.

So let’s talk about the problems that might affect smokers more quickly:
(1)bad breath
(2)yellow teeth
(3)smelly clothes
colds and coughs
(5)difficulty keeping up with friends when playing sports
(6)Empty wallet - cigarettes and tobacco products are very expensive!

Why many people like to smoking? Usually, people don't like smoking or chewing tobacco at first. Your body is smart, and it knows when it's being poisoned. When people try smoking for the first time, they often cough a lot and feel pain or burning in their throat and lungs. This is your lungs' way of trying to protect you and tell you to keep them smoke free. Also, many people say that they feel sick to their stomachs or even throw up. If someone accidentally swallows chewing tobacco, they may be sick for hours.

Some person like to smoke because like the feeling that smoking gives them. This good feeling is from the nicotine in the cigarettes. Some people think smoking will help them lose weight or stay thin. Many people also feel like smoking gives them a sense of freedom and independence, and some smoke to feel more comfortable in social situations. If this sounds like you, you should stop and think about whether the things you like about smoking are really worth the risks.

Now our government put a lot of money for the campaign of ‘Tak Nak’. This campaign is advice Malaysian stop to smoking and makes a health family. Not it at all, our Malaysia’s law also have rules is control smoking: Malaysian smokers under the age of 18 will be fined up to 1,000 ringgit under new anti-smoking measures imposed by the government. Anyone caught selling cigarettes to them would be fined up to 10,000 ringgit or jailed for up to two years, it’s can control the younger don’t smoking and increased smokers percentage in Malaysia. Although our government do many things to decrease the percentage smokers in Malaysia, but still many people smoking.

In my opinion, parents must be a good paragon to their children, they cant smoking in house, and must teach their children smoking is the worst things. So, children will develop a good habits and they will not smoking. In the other hand, in school teacher must give some information to students like the disadvantage of smoking, how to stop smoking and increase their vigilant of smoking.

If you feel that hard to stop smoking, you must tell your family, friends, and coworkers that you are going to quit and want their support. Ask them not to smoke around you or leave cigarettes out. Get individual, group, or telephone counseling. The more counseling you have, the better your chances are of quitting. Programs are given at local hospitals and health centers. Call your local health department for information about programs in your area. Talk to your health care provider (for example, doctor, dentist, nurse, pharmacist, psychologist, or smoking counselor).

Learn new skills and behavior also can help you to stop smoking. Like try to distract yourself from urges to smoke. Talk to someone, go for a walk, or get busy with a task. Second, do something to reduce your stress. Take a hot bath, exercise, or read a book. Third, plan something enjoyable to do every day. Lastly is drinking a lot of water and other fluids.

In my conclusion, we are hard to control somebody to stop smoking, the important thing is their self. I hope smokers will stop smoking for their health and family. If our all Malaysian smokers stop smoking, our percentage of health will increase and we are a good paragon in the world. So, I hope it can happen in future.

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Death at the theatre after candle sets fire to stage set

Thirty-one people burned to death last night when an actor knocked over a candle, setting fire to the billowing brown paper bags which formed the stage set at a theatre in Egypt. more story

when-last night
what-fire at the theatre
how-setting fire to the billowing brown paper bags which formed the stage set at a theatre

U.S. Marine Jets Bomb 2 Bridges Near Iraq's Border With Syria

BAGHDAD, Iraq (AP) -- U.S. Marine jets Tuesday attacked two bridges across the Euphrates River near the Syrian border to prevent insurgents from moving foreign fighters and munitions toward Baghdad and other cities, the U.S. command said. more story

what-U.S. Marine Jets Bomb 2 Bridges Near Iraq's Border With Syria
why-to prevent insurgents from moving foreign fighters and munitions toward Baghdad and other cities
how-use the jets to attacked two bridges

Indonesian Jet Crashes on Takeoff in Sumatra, Killing 143

JAKARTA, Indonesia, Sept. 5 - An Indonesian passenger plane crashed into a crowded neighborhood shortly after takeoff in the northern city of Medan on Monday, killing 104 people aboard and 39 on the ground. more story

when-september 5
what-Indonesian Jet Crashes on Takeoff

Monday, August 29, 2005

Are bloggers journalists?

YOU know what a blogger is by now, don’t you? This odd-sounding term – short for Web logger – refers to someone who publishes a diary on a website. more story

Now blog is very famous, all of us can make a blog by self. So, many bloggers journalists appear. There are individuals, there dare to write a news that critic our government. Blogs is a good ways that we can write anything that we like, nobody will prevent u.

Should we have known?

As many as five million lives ruined. More than 150,000 dead, from anonymous fishermen to a grandson of the King of Thailand. Along the shores of the Indian Ocean, bodies are stacked in makeshift mortuaries. Mothers and fathers wail over dead children. Homes, businesses and entire towns have been reduced to debris. Whole tribal cultures have been wiped out. more story

That is a bad memories of our lives, many people death in tsunami. Is this suffering is want to warning us that earth will be destroy ?

Protecting kids from mobile Internet nasties

IN THESE pages today, you’ll be reading about the kind of nasty things that infest the Internet and how they may damage young people. more story

Mobile phone more important in our life now. Now every social stratum people have a mobile phone even the kids. Actually kids use mobile can harm their health, the radiation of phone can harm their brain's growth. Not it at all, kids use mobile make their have vanity. So, i hope their parents will prevent their kids use the mobile phone.